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$25 GC

Finnegan's Toys and Gifts

3-class package to barre3

Barre 3

Barre3 is a 60 minute, balanced workout focusing on length, strength, and alignment. Barre3 combines the strength of Pilates, the wisdom of yoga, and the grace of ballet barre. Reservations are recommended. Package is valid at 5 Portland Locations and does not expire. 

Barre3 is a 60 minute, balanced workout focusing on length, strength, and alignment. Barre3 combines the strength of Pilates, the wisdom of yoga, and the grace of ballet barre. Reservations are recommended. Package is valid at 5 Portland Locations and does not expire. 

Barre3 is a 60 minute, balanced workout focusing on length, strength, and alignment. Barre3 combines the strength of Pilates, the wisdom of yoga, and the grace of ballet barre. Reservations are recommended. Package is valid at 5 Portland Locations and does not expire.