Oya No Kai's mission is to enhance the level of cultural education in the Japanese Dual Language Immersion Program. We support student success by fostering a robust intern program that supports our teachers, by creating opportunities for students to experience Japanese culture directly through cultural exchanges, and by organizing community events. It is our hope that when our students graduate, they will be better prepared and more knowledgeable of the world around them. 


Please join us for a terrific evening that supports our children becoming global citizens.


Date: Saturday, April 3, 2021

Time: 7:00 - 8:00 pm

Location:  Virtual!  Join us from the comfort of your home!

Cost: Free!  If you pre-registered for a free ticket, please check your email on April 3rd for instructions and your personal link to join the auction. If you did not pre-register, you can still join us by clicking Signup.


Oya No Kai’s online store is open for orders of T-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, totes and doggie tees featuring our new 2021 Amabie design. Items will be shipped to you, fully contact-free! This year’s design, by JDLI parent Polly Linn, combines an image of Amabie, a mythical Japanese creature said to ward off pandemics, with the kanji for gaman (我慢), which means “enduring the seemingly unbearable with patience and dignity.”